DIY Recipes and Tips: All You Should Know about Body and Face Scrubs!

I’ve rounded up essential tips on body and face scrubs for you. How to get the super-smooth, perfectly cleansed skin? Read on!

What do we need scrubs for?

With a good exfoliant we instantly make the skin fresher, healthier-looking, smoother, and fully clean. The scrub unblocks clogged pores. If you’re sunbathing, it lets you get even suntan. You can use scrubs on all body parts, including feet and hands. There are even scalp exfoliants but I prefer to use a micellar shampoo which cleans like a pro!

DIY Recipes: TOP Homemade Scrubs for Body and Face

A mild corn flour scrub: a quick detox which instantly removes all dirt. All you need is corn flour and some cool milk. Mix the ingredients and gently massage the blend into the skin. It works wonders both for face and body skin.

  • Nut scrub is brilliant for any skin type and it’s very easy to prepare. Use the mortar to crush a handful of walnuts. If you want to use the scrub on the body, you don’t need finely-ground nuts. Mix the nuts with honey and plain yogurt until you create a thick pulp. Apply the mixture, massage the skin for a minute, leave the scrub on for around 10 minutes and rinse well.
  • Coffee scrub is a skin-cleansing classic but I share the best anti-cellulite scrub recipe! Use it on the thighs, belly, buttocks, shoulders and wherever the orange peel or lymph bumps occur. Mix coffee grounds (half cup), a few drops of grapefruit oil (remember that essential oils are strong so never use too much), an inch of ground ginger, and some almond oil to make the scrub glide smoothly across the skin. Gently massage the body for a few minutes while applying it. Rinse well. Regular use of this scrub gives you super-smooth skin and less noticeable cellulite.
  • Brown sugar scrub. Sugar turns out to be a brilliant component of body scrubs. Apply it on the skin and massage the body until sugar crystals are dissolved. The scrub is easy to make: mix cane sugar with natural oil (argan oil works great, avocado oil as well because it’s filled up with vitamins essential to skin). Massage the body, rinse the scrub and enjoy your smooth and soft body. Still, you can enrich your scrub and add some lemon juice to even out the skin tone. Lemon additionally restores natural pH because it slightly acidifies, plus it brightens the skin (regular use makes all pigmentation marks, post-acne and post-sun spots disappear). My friend loves this scrub because it made her minimize the acne on her back she used to get after a sweaty workout.

Do you like any of the ideas? Have you got your favorite scrubs? Leave a comment please!

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