effective hair oil - Nanoil

How does Nanoil hair oil work? | My test and review


It’s time to review my absolute fav that I’ve been in love with from the last month. I’m curious whether you’ve already heard about Nanoil hair oil? If not, you must catch up because this cosmetic is interesting and this is owned to a few important qualities it has. I’m going to elaborate them later on, so feel invited to go on reading!

Nanoil hair oil series was designed with having all hair types in mind. Nope, it’s not another ‘universal’ product. Actually, these are three oils each of them targeting other hair kind – low, medium or high porosity. All of them are maximally concentrated and serve well for daily hair care because they base their action on the best natural vegetable oils and a blend of substances responsible for speeding up hair growth and slowing down hair thinning processes. Have I managed to get your interest? I hope I have!

How does Nanoil hair oil work

I’ll start by stating that Nanoil hair oil doesn’t look like similar hair products. They are so elegant! I guess that even luxurious perfumes would look good if poured into such bottles. Anyway, you can assess this yourself by looking at the photos I attached to the entry. I bet you would agree with me that the bottle made of solid glass featuring eco cap looks good, doesn’t it?

Similarly outstanding is what the bottle hides, and now I’m talking about the aroma. These are the very first hair oils which entranced me with their fragrance. Nanoil smells very natural and is very magnetizing. Once you use your nose to sense the aroma, you immediately want your hair to give off the very fragrance. A massive plus for that!

How often should Nanoil be applied to hair

Nanoil fell into the hands of mine a month ago, or so. I came across this oil while reading some products’ reviews, yet I wasn’t 100% sure if I had to get it or not; I just couldn’t make up my mind. I was constantly moaning whether to buy this cosmetic or not. One day, my W. lost his patience because of the persistent nagging he was doomed to hear and presented me with Nanoil set on my birthday. He didn’t know which oil would be perfect to me so he bought all three versions of the product. After receiving the gift, I ran the porosity test and I learnt that:

  • low porosity hair is heavy, smooth, without volume and hard to style;
  • medium porosity hair is weak, gets frizzy easily, may fall out and be deprived of shine;
  • high porosity hair is the most damaged one, brittle and with split ends.


The truth is, the test showed that my hair is medium porosity, but to be honest, I’d classify it as more damaged than that. For that reason, I decided to test both versions of the oils. Of course, I didn’t apply both oils simultaneously because I wouldn’t be able to find out which one helped my hair. And you have to know that Nanoil hair oils work wonders! Love it!


I’ve started using Nanoil hair oils more or less 3 weeks ago.

There is one thing you have to be aware of before applying Nanoil. These are oils designed to facilitate hair styling and bringing out its natural beauty, therefore, they can be used in many various ways. However, the producer recommends one precisely defined method of using the cosmetic, the one which is supposed to give the most obvious outcomes – this drill is explained on the official blog that belongs to the brand. Try to find the entry titled How to Use Nanoil Hair Oils? For those of you who are too lazy to enter the blog and read the entire article, I’m going to present a summary of it. This is the way I use Nanoil.

  1. At the beginning you have to wash your hair precisely, I always did this anyway.
  2. Get the right quantity of the oil so it matches your hair’s length.
  3. Apply the oil to the entire length of hair, rub into hair ends and the scalp.
  4. Comb the hair precisely to distribute the oil evenly and stimulate blood circulation of the scalp.
  5. Wrap the hair and scalp either with a towel or a bath cap and let it sit for +/- an hour; you can leave it overnight, as well.
  6. After that wash your head using a regular shampoo – that’s all.

Regardless of Nanoil’s version, all the oils have silk consistency and are easy to distribute all over the hair. After applying the oil to hair, it’s almost irresistible not to touch the strands since it becomes so soft and smooth after being treated with the cosmetic. Most of the oil is absorbed by hair providing that we match it to the hair porosity level appropriately. The residues are easy to remove because the oil is neither sticky nor heavy. In my opinion, this is just a well-balanced formula which doesn’t only work in an outstanding way but also it is simple to apply it.

Nanoil - how to use

How often should Nanoil be applied to hair?

I guess there is no clearly stated frequency of using Nanoil. The only condition though is regularity – if you use Nanoil only once, you shouldn’t expect your hair to grow faster nor see them regenerated. The product needs to be used at least at every washing, once a day at maximum. I wash my hair every 2 or 3 days and I keep applying Nanoil at bedtime, before morning hair washing.

How often should Nanoil be applied to hair


Currently, it’s the third week since I started using Nanoil hair oils. Now I can tell you that medium porosity hair oil appears to be the better one. The high porosity version – which made my hair a little bit more matte probably due to keratin content, which can superstructure if hair is fairly healthy – was given to my friend. When it comes to the low porosity version, the one I rejected at the beginning, it is waiting for its turn. Probably, when my hair regenerates and lowers its porosity, then I might use this oil to style hair and support the obtained effects!

Action delivered by Nanoil to my hair

It’s an incredible oil which regenerates and beautifies deeply. It managed to tame frizz, which I note as a big achievement because there has been no other product so far that knew how to tame my hair. Moreover, my strands became super soft after just a few uses of the product, they turned into being silky smooth and easy to comb. I have to admit that Nanoil doesn’t overburden my hair so my hairdo still remains full of volume. Now, my hair is easier to style and boosts with shine. The problem of split ends doesn’t exist to me now so I forgot about brittleness or matte hair, too – the strands are now stronger and better protected from adverse weather conditions or high temperature generated during blow-drying. It’s super important to me because I wash my hair in the morning, before leaving home.

Have I already noticed accelerated hair growth? I guess three weeks are a little bit too few to notice any surprising difference in this aspect, but I can state for sure that there are fewer of hairs that I keep losing every day. Also, I noticed baby hair on my hair line, which positively surprised me. All things considered, I go on applying Nanoil, I’m continuing the treatment. Maybe I’ll come back to review Nanoil hair oil again when I use up the entire bottle.

To sum up, I recommend the hair oil to you 🙂

The detailed description concerning the oils can be found on the official website www.nanoil.us, where you have the possibility to order the product with home delivery option.

18 Comments “How does Nanoil hair oil work? | My test and review”

  1. CosmicGirl

    what a composition! WOW!

  2. Victoria

    I have dry and damaged hair as well and started applying flaxseed oil. It’s been only a few times but I can already see the difference, the hair really drinks up the oil after each session it gets softer. I’ll see how it goes, maybe flaxseed oil will be enough for me.

    • Vanilla_Sky

      At the very beginning, it was enough for me to use flaxssed oil and then it was better absorbed in the company of other oils until I found my nanoil. At that time, I still had high porosity hair. After about 4 months I’ve bought this one for medium porosity hair, because the porosity has decreased. It was immediately noticeable. Even my hairdresser was very curious what made such an improvement so I told her al about nanoil and she shaid she’d deffinitely buy it

  3. Olga19

    I am just wondering whethere I do it the correct way because I never wash the harir beforehand, sometimes I wet it slighty and apply oils to damp hair and shampoo after the treatment. Does it make any difference?

    • JustineK

      The most impoertant thing is to do it regularly and when it comes to the method, different solution will be suitable for dfferen people. I used to leave the oils in throughout the night but after a few months of hair oiling I notice that my hair look much better after 2-3 hours with the oil on. You must find your own method that will be suitable for your needs.

  4. Miss_Dee

    I got medium porosity in the test as well. The oil is a bit pricey but I think I’ll take the risk and order it. I’m fed up with my frizzy hair

  5. Alexandra

    I was not imprssed by the bottle so much but the composition – oh yes! I have never seen a product with the blend of all my favourite oils!

  6. Marisa

    I saw that ranking as well and I am wondering whether it’s worth buying

  7. Anita90

    Thanks for the post! Now everything is crystal clear! I misjudged my hair and used high porosity oil and I wondered why my hair does not look as good as it should. So many girls praised this oil and it was very average for me. I will start again only this time with an oil for medium porosity and I will let you know about the results in a while

  8. Innez

    I noticed loads of baby hairs after about 5 weeks of use

  9. Katy_LU

    My hair used to be medium porosity but now it’s low and it’s perfect!

    • Joann

      I think that the best one will be the one in the middle – medium porosity. My hair is naturally low porosity and I’m always having troubles with curling and styling because the curls only last a short while

      • Camille

        so the more damaged the hair the higher the porosity? So if it’s regenerated, the porosity becomes lower too?

        • Katy_LU

          Yeas, in a nutshell, you can say that 😉

  10. Olympia

    I have a question, I have low porosity hair but it started falling out recently and I noticed that the scalp is really irritated. Will the nanoil for low porosity hair strengthen it? or is it just the one for more damaged hair high porosity?

    • S.C.

      All three Nanoils strengthen the hair, only the coposition is tailored to a particular hair structe to work more effectively

  11. Lucy

    I’ve recently discovered avocado oil and completely fel in love with it <3

    • Mayaa

      Im also in love with this oil but I apply it mainly to the face. I’ve been applying moroccanoil to my hair for a long time but I replaced it with Nanoil due to a much better composition (loads of oils!)


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