How to fight cellulite back? Effective methods


… this is war! πŸ˜€ I’m declaring war on orange peel!

I have been indulging myself long and, as a result, my thighs started resembling a spongy lump of fairly surprising irregularities. Orange peel? Surely, my cellulite could embarrass all the oranges of the world. Seriously, for w while I was considering the idea of moving out to Spain as the optimal solution (I’ve heard that Spanish women don’t have absolutely any problems with this skin flaw and show their cellulite proudly on the beach… they just pretend that nothing has happened to their thighs… problem solved!).

Ok, let’s be serious now, in order to combat the enemy, it’s wiser to be well-acquainted with it. Therefore, I’m going to describe for you how cellulite develops, what degrees of cellulite are distinguished, its kinds and, obviously, how to remove it effectively and effortlessly. Let’s start!

What’s cellulite?

Cellulite is uneven distribution of fat cells that cumulate in particular body areas (breasts, belly, thighs buttocks and even shoulders and calves). Again, this tissue isn’t even, yet it creates ‘clusters’ among which empty spaces emerge – this is where water and other metabolic conversion products gather. Another stage is swelling which causes problems with skin blood supply. The lumps (fat cells) created under the skin are big enough to put pressure to blood and lymphatic vessels – this causes issues with blood circulation and metabolic conversion in cells. Oxygen and all nourishing substances are absorbed poorly, whereas toxins notoriously cumulate and keep building up in tissues.

Cellulite and causes of its appearance

Cellulite, unfortunately, doesn’t need much to nestle underneath our skin.

The most common reasons of cellulite are:

  • following unbalanced diet (excessive consumption of products rich in salt and sugar);
  • lack of movement, sedentary lifestyle;
  • hormonal issues such as excessive amount of oestrogens in organism;
  • issues with blood flow;
  • wearing tight clothes;
  • faulty posture which can cause problems with blood circulation (skin cells aren’t well-supplied with nutrients other essential elements carried by blood);
  • cigarette smoking;
  • dehydration of organism;
  • urban pollution (yes, I know, there’s nothing we can do about this… unfortunately, city life affects our beauty negatively).

Types of cellulite

Cellulite has many names. There are various forms of orange peel and if you are aware what type of cellulite you are affected by, this knowledge frequently delivers you a key to success when it comes to fighting the orange peel back. In general, there are three types of cellulite:

  1. Watery cellulite – probably you will be content to hear that water cellulite disappears faster than fat cellulite. Watery cellulite is a ‘creature’ that may also affect calves, ankles, not only thighs or buttocks. Therefore, if your legs have the tendency to swell and if you experience problems with holding water in an organism – probably you are affected by watery cellulite.
  2. Fat cellulite – eh… this lovely fat πŸ˜‰ Fat cellulite affects mostly obese people and it’s nothing more but uneven distribution of fat tissue. Soft and folded, blemishing and making things awkward for us fat cellulite is a ‘creature’ which is fairly hard to remove.
  3. Fibrous cellulite – you can feel it underneath your fingers. Skin affected by this kind of orange peel is hard and looks as if it was made of lumps. Definitely, this is a disagreeable, fairly painful form of cellulite.

Four degrees of cellulite

Such dreadful cellulite is… not only does it have three forms but also we can distinguish 4 degrees of it (depending on its intensity). How to define cellulite degree? Here I come with the explanation:

  1. First degree – isn’t that obvious to notice unless we squeeze a particular body part between our fingers; only then the lumps become visible.
  2. Second degree – a slightly more developed form of the first degree cellulite; when squeezed, skin becomes fairly folded and lumpy, some of you might feel pain during pressing the skin with your fingers.
  3. Third degree – sadly, this type of cellulite can be noticed without squeezing skin, lumps are bigger.
  4. Fourth degree – clear to notice, advanced. This kind of cellulite is highly visible, all the lumpiness and folds are clear to see even when wearing leggings or treggings. When pressed, skin may be in pain.

How to get rid of cellulite

It’s high time to act! Let me present you my tried and trusted methods of dealing with cellulite. Fight, Girls! πŸ˜‰ Below, I’m posting homemade ways of dealing with cellulite:

1. A very easy one, drinking a lot of still, mineral water. Just 8 glasses a day are enough to say goodbye to watery cellulite πŸ™‚ Actually, it’s a good idea to add lemon juice to water. Moreover, watery cellulite doesn’t like vegetable juices (containing neither salt nor sugar, best if squeezed on your own), as well as herbal tea, especially nettle infusion.

2. Cayenne pepper is another enemy of orange peel. Just take a spoon of powdered cayenne pepper, a spoon of powdered ginger (which makes 5g of each ingredient), take one lemon, squeeze juice out of it and mix everything with one glass of lukewarm water (which was boiled). Keep drinking such a mixture every morning and evening for 2 weeks.

3. Cut on trans-fat, sugar, salt as well as white bakery products and white pasta. Dark bread, granary pasta or buckwheat pasta, fish, fruit and steamed vegetables, lean meat… and you’ll be fine. Remember that your entire body (skin, finger nails, hair) also gains much thanks to following such a diet πŸ™‚

4. Coffee, indeed, but not to drink, yet to prepare dressings with it πŸ˜‰ Coffee is perfect for removing dead epidermis cells and providing a highly effective fat detox. Take 1/4 glass of grinded coffee, 2 spoons of sugar and 3 spoons of coconut oil. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply your homemade cosmetic to thighs. Let it sit for 20 minutes. Rinse this body mask with cool water- this stimulates blood and lymphatic system circulation. Reapply this ‘Operation Coffee’ at least twice a week.

5. Go for active charcoal. If you want to, you can replace coffee with crumbled tabs of charcoal (the one available at a pharmacy’s). Try to crumble 5-6 tabs and mix the powder with the above-mentioned coconut oil and sugar.

6. Massage, just performing it pays off, indeed. Kneading or massaging cellulite with the aid of a special wooden item does help. You can do it as I’m used to doing it. What’s my secret? I just keep massaging my body while watching a movie or a TV show.

7. The Golden List of Products Fighting with Cellulite (do your best to put on your table as many of the products I’m going to enumerate as possible): broccoli, beetroots, green tea, turmeric, common dandelion, black radish, fennel, pineapple, algae, ginkgo biloba, ginseng as well as already-mentioned nettle. It’s also worth looking for these ingredients while choosing cosmetics which help combat cellulite. They encourage fat burning processes, reduce swellings and improve blood circulation.

8. Movement and physical exercises, I find it truly doubtful if it’s possible to get rid of cellulite without including this point into your fighting strategy. Girls, if you lead sedentary lifestyle and spend half of a day sitting at your desk – there’s no other way, cellulite will accompany you πŸ™‚ In order to remove it, you need to move yourself! Try walking fast, running, working on your fitness, cycling or practising any other sport discipline – believe me, this will work wonders πŸ™‚

All things considered, if you want to combat cellulite, you have to be patient and persistent – then, you can take fighting cellulite back for granted. I’m curious though, which one of you knows some home remedies dealing with cellulite, or apply some worth recommending cosmetics. Have a nice day!

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