Microblading – Semi-Permanent Eyebrow Makeup

Hi, girls!

I’ve been planning on a semi-permanent eyebrow makeup (known as microblading) for a long time. If you haven’t heard of this treatment before and you regularly have the brows tinted or struggle every morning to make your thin eyebrows look normal (same here), then this post is a must-read. I’ve read so much about the topic of microblading that I must share it with you. This semi-permanent brow makeup is simply mind-blowing and its creators should get a cosmetic Oscar 🙂 No kidding 😀 But first things first. Here’s microblading from A to Z.

What is eyebrow semi-permanent makeup?

It’s an alternative to the regular, everyday and traditional makeup. It’s like a tattoo on eyebrows and involves introducing a tint under the skin to darken and thicken the brows and enhance their shape. This sounds scary and unnatural for some of you whereas for others it’s a perfect option and time-saver. Eyebrow makeup gives the face a total makeover, enhancing the facial features. A trusted and qualified technician must perform the treatment. Another thing worth mentioning – the pigments are all-natural and non-toxic. The allergy risk is nearly non-existent.

What does microblading consist of?

Obviously, microblading isn’t a brow growth-stimulating treatment. It doesn’t boost eyebrow volume either. It’s just an optical illusion because the aesthetician draws the hairs on the skin… quite an illusion! It looks really natural. Believe me or not, I felt jealous and greedy when I first saw the before and after photos, and when I saw my cousin’s stunning eyebrows. Omg, why she has such beautiful eyebrows and I don’t, it’s not fair, I must torment myself with Aqua Brow and other products, and she just wakes up WITH THE BROWS. This was when I realized that microblading was a must-do. I asked my cousin a few questions, I read some online posts and even met an aesthetician at a beauty institute to talk about the treatment.

Microblading is a new approach to the eyebrow makeup. What’s the difference? The traditional method involves applying a special product to eyebrows, layering, contouring and filling them in. On the other hand, microblading consists in drawing tiny, delicate lines on the brow line that look just like the natural brows. The effect is very natural and aesthetic. Lots of salons offer the so-called 3d power effect which combines both methods. It’s a masterpiece, looking both professional and natural. It’s a cool thing you can’t tell micro-bladed brows from the natural ones. Obviously, they’re created individually to go with a customer’s preferences and requirements.

Microblading – step by step

The treatment requires some preparation. You can’t shape or tint eyebrows three weeks before the microblading. Before lying on the bed, you must fill in a survey to inform about the medication you take or ailments you have. The choice of a tint matters a lot, too – it must be the same color as the shade of your natural brows if you desire natural-looking effects. Next, the technician applies a topical anesthetic and moves on to the next stage: drawing the contours. You should discuss it with the aesthetician first. Think over the shape so that you’re satisfied with the effect cause it’s gonna stay with you for more or less two years (that’s how long the semi-permanent makeup lasts). Once everything’s discussed and prepared (the anesthetic kicks in), the procedure begins. The technician gently introduces the pigment with a micro-blade to the prickle layer.

Microblading – what you should know

  • Semi-permanent eyebrow procedure lasts about an hour; the anesthetic can be reapplied throughout the treatment.
  • You must be straight with your aesthetician and tell about all of the (serious) diseases, medication, etc. Don’t hide anything cause it may have poor health consequences.
  • Microblading costs more or less $700. Both the procedure and the touch-up (done within 3-4 weeks after the treatment, once the brows are healed) are included.
  • Remember that the effect is different right after the procedure and after healing. At first, the skin is a bit swollen and the lines are very expressive but after 3-4 weeks they look more natural.
  • Always choose a qualified person and a professional salon when you decide on microblading.
  • The salon may expect you to sign an agreement saying you won’t make a complaint if the procedure fails. It’s because each of us may react to the treatment and tint in a different way. The pigment may wash off more quickly in some of you. Btw, you should check if the salon uses high-quality products.
  • Right after the procedure, you mustn’t wet or touch the brows – the technician should tell you that.
  • After the first procedure, you’ll get an ointment to regenerate the skin and speed up the healing process.
  • Within several days after the treatment, your brows can’t be in contact with any beauty products so you’d better give up on makeup.
  • Scabbing is perfectly normal after the procedure. Don’t pick the scabs.

Microblading – is it for everyone?

Sadly, it’s not. If you’re pregnant, breastfeeding or allergic to lignocaine or epinephrine, you shouldn’t get the semi-permanent makeup. Epilepsy, cold sore, psoriasis, cancer – these are the contraindications, too. If you take medication that thins the blood, you mustn’t do the treatment either. That’s why you must remember to inform the aesthetician about ALL of the pharmaceuticals you take because even the ones that seem simple may thin the blood! After all, microblading is some kind of body interference. I know, it’s not considerable but it may entail some complications.

What about you? What do you make of the semi-permanent eyebrow makeup? Do you like microblading? You think it’s worth choosing? Leave a comment 🙂

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