Biotin. What are its properties, richest sources and deficiency symptoms?

Hey! It’s known as vitamin B7 or H, keeps hair, skin and nails in shape, stabilizes glucose levels in blood. One vitamin fulfils so many functions. We know it by the name biotin. What benefits it has, which foods are highest in biotin and what are the symptoms of its deficit? What’s biotin? Biotin is an organic compound occuring in animal and plant tissues. It[…]

My List of Overrated Beauty Products

Hi, there! There are products that deliver good effects but… they have one little flaw. Beauty blogs and magazines rave about them. There are so many such posts that most of us no longer believe in their effectiveness or easy use. Meet products that I believe to be overrated. Anti-Wrinkle Cream There is no cream that can completely eliminate wrinkles. Even the most advanced aesthetic[…]

[REVIEW] Nanoil Hyaluronic Face Serum. Does it seem to be the best serum with hyaluronic acid?

Hey! Have you noticed how fast Hyaluronic Face Serum by Nanoil is taking over the cosmetics market? Have you come across reviews and comments published by the users who are bewitched with the amazing results given by this new skincare product? I did some digging and I discovered what makes this face serum so powerful and effective. I was wondering what interesting facts hyaluronic acid there[…]