Monsieur Big or “a big mistake” – New mascara by Lancome. My review

Hi, Girls! You have expected that this day will come, didn’t you? You knew that once new high-end mascara will appear, I will immediately get it and test it — especially for you. New mascara by Lancome with daring name Monsieur Big has quite flattering reviews on the Internet. Was it equally good in my test? Oh… Monsieur… You brag a little too much, wouldn’t[…]

Lashcode - great mascara

Flawless Eyelashes! Lashcode Mascara – Instant Care & Volume

To the ones who are interested – enjoy the cosmetic dessert! Today the review of the makeup success – Lashcode mascara. Why is the product my blog’s guest? Read on to find out all details. My eyelashes had a hard time when I got a Chinese mascara for birthday and tried it out of curiosity. It worked quite well in makeup but sadly my lashes suffered a[…]

How to dye hair at home? Natural hair colouring methods

Yes, this is another post from the series: ‘How to get a particular effect using natural methods only?’. Designed especially for all of you who want to know how to dye hair at home without using the already-made dyes and other colouring products. I guarantee, it’s possible! As an introduction I should say something about hair colouring. I’m sure you already know that hair dyeing[…]