Microblading – Semi-Permanent Eyebrow Makeup

Hi, girls! I’ve been planning on a semi-permanent eyebrow makeup (known as microblading) for a long time. If you haven’t heard of this treatment before and you regularly have the brows tinted or struggle every morning to make your thin eyebrows look normal (same here), then this post is a must-read. I’ve read so much about the topic of microblading that I must share it[…]

Test - Nanobrow Eyebrow Powder Kit

Testing Nanobrow’s Eyebrow Powder Kit. You Simply Gotta See These Makeup Effects!

Which eyebrow powders to choose?Which brow powders do you recommend? These are the questions you often send me, and I can finally answer them as finally, I found a really cool brow powder palette. Meet Eyebrow Powder Kit – a set of two satin brow powders with a perfect built-in, velvety highlighter. Today, here’s my review! Nanobrow Eyebrow Powder Kit – good brow powders, worth[…]

becca apres ski eyee lights palette

Becca Apres Ski Glow Collection Eye Lights Palette

Hi! Shimmery, natural and stunning. That’s what my new Becca eyeshadow is like. I think it’s ideal for the Holiday look. Check how my new-arrival is doing! What does Becca Apres Ski Glow look like? Apres Ski Glow Collection Eye Lights Palette is round and decorated with golden patterns that look like Frosty Grandpa’s paintings. There’s a large mirror and seven eyeshadows inside. Contrary to[…]

Things you just cannot do! Bad habits that make you lose beauty

Hello! They are our habits, behaviours taken from mothers and friends or spied on the web and on social networks. Meanwhile, they can be harmful to our skin or our hair. What are we talking about? It’s the habits through which you lose your beauty. Can you somehow unlearn them? And how to protect ourselves from them? Tightly tied hair  Smoothly combed, tightly tucked up[…]